Crown Green – Level 1 -Seedfield BC – Bury – Lancashire

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Crown Green – Level 1 -Seedfield BC – Bury – Lancashire

level 1 sub image | Our Courses | Coach Bowls

Course Start Date:

May 15, 2024

Online Time:

6:30 pm

Practical Course Location:

Seedfield BC

  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Safeguarding (overview)
  • Health, Safety, Accidents
  • Planning and evaluating
  • Coaching a Beginner
  • Warm ups / Cool downs
  • Working with the Jack
  • Delivery
  • Line and Length

Event Timelines

Zoom Session 1 Online

Wednesday 15th May 2024 

Start time: 6.30pm 

Zoom Session 2 Online

Wednesday 22nd May 2024 

Start Time: 6.30pm 

Practical Day Seedfield Bowls Club

Friday 7th June 2024

Start Time: 9am 

Assessment Day at Seedfield Bowls Club

Friday 19th July 2024

Start Time: 9am 

Course Expired:

Event FAQs

Recommended Outline Training and Assessment Programme

The programme will be delivered to achieve qualification learning outcomes. This programme is flexible and may differ during the course but in the broadest outline:

Session 1 online (2.5hrs)– covering roles and responsibilities; Codes of Practice, Coaching Points; Basic Safeguarding; Basic Laws of the sport; Health & Safety; Warm Ups and Cool Downs;

Session 2 online (2.5 hrs)– covering Effective Communication, Equality & Diversity; Planning and Evaluating Bowls Coaching Activities

Practical Day (9am – 5pm – 8hrs Practical Coaching) – covering Delivery Action, Line, Length, Jacks, Warm ups and Cool Downs and lots of on green coaching

Off course practice – at your own club including completing your portfolio and coaching at least 2 sessions in your club

Summative Assessment Day – Practical assessment

If you require further qualification information, then please do not hesitate to contact us on or 07458 301497

Course Day Queries

Please note our office hours are Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.  If you are experiencing an issue with your course and your course is taking place during office hours, please contact 07458 301497 so that we can assist you.  If your course is taking place on a weekend are you are experiencing an issue, please contact  us and leave a message and we will call you back. The out of office hours number will only be available on weekends to deal with course issues only for courses taking place on the same weekend.  For all other enquiries, please contact the office during working hours.

Terms and conditions

If you cancel within 7 days or fail to attend the course without good reason (at the sole discretion of Coach Bowls), the full fee will apply.

If you cancel within 14 days of the qualification then 50% of cost will be returned to you.

If you require any further information or have any queries then please do not hesitate to contact me on the details provided below.

Practical Course Location:

Total Seats: 12 (4 Left:)
  • Seedfield BC
  • Parkinson Street
  • Bury
  • Lancashire
  • BL9 6NY
  • England
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