Safeguarding Cover | Our Courses | Coach Bowls

Basic Safeguarding Children and Young People

This 2-hour online (zoom) module predominately covers safeguarding children in bowls and is ideal to help support club volunteers with basic safeguarding knowledge.
The course raises awareness of the basics of safeguarding and how club members can support their clubs in this vital area. This module can be used as a stand-alone introduction to safeguarding children or as a precursor to further training prior to attending other courses.
The safeguarding module has been developed to work in collaboration with Bowls England, The English Indoor Bowling Association (EIBA), The Bowls Development Alliance (BDA), English Short Mat Bowling Association (ESMBA), The British Crown Green Bowling Association (BCGBA), English Bowling Federation (EBF) and Disability Bowls England (DBE).

Module Overview:

The Module has been designed for people who are new to safeguarding or anyone who wants to gain more knowledge.  It covers the essential information you need to know relating to safeguarding Children in bowls, how to recognise abuse, respond and report appropriately when a concern is raised.

The course consists of one module over Zoom. It covers what child abuse is, how to recognise the signs and how to report a concern. It is interactive and includes scenarios to help you understand and learn about keeping people safe.

If you intend to hold taster sessions, this module is a must. Your club open days will be open to all visiting,  If you have a Junior section or plan to set one up be confident that you have practises in place to keep them safe.

2-hour zoom

  • Neglect
  • Abuse – physical, mental, and sexual
  • What to do if you have a concern
  • Poor practises
  • Inappropriate behaviour and language
  • Discrimination
  • Bullying

Open to all Registered Members

Total cost:


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The total cost is made up of a module fee

Total cost:


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The total cost is made up of a module fee

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Basic Safeguarding in Children Modules