Course Start Date:
November 29, 2023
Online Time:
2:00 pm
Practical Course Location:
It is recommended that all counties have at least one trained mentor. Players who are starting their coaching qualifications will value a trained mentor to support them and this will cover on-line work as you check their portfolio, and very occasionally, on-rink work.
This online module is for coaches who wish to develop their skills and support new and developing coaches. It is a great first step to becoming a Tutor or and Assessor but that does not necessarily need to be your end goal; we will be happy to have you as a mentor.
Event FAQs
3-hour Zoom
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Identifying important learning opportunities for coaches and how to help maximise them
Managing coaches’ self-reflection and self-evaluation
Core skills of mentoring and supporting coaches
Developing Coaches’ Action Plans
Structuring a practical mentoring session
Any Coach Bowls Registered Member