Time to Listen – Safeguarding Children and Young People in Bowls Course

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Time to Listen – Safeguarding Children and Young People in Bowls Course

Time to Listen | Our Courses | Coach Bowls

Course Start Date:

March 25, 2023

Online Time:

10:00 am

Practical Course Location:

This NSPCC developed module is designed for Club Welfare/Safeguarding Officers, this module predominately covers safeguarding children in bowls and is an extension to the Basic Safeguarding Children and Young People module. It builds on the information that Club Welfare / Safeguarding Officers need and helps support them in their role. It is helpful if you have taken the Basic module first.

Event Timelines

Online Zoom Session Date

Saturday 25th March 2023 - 10am - 2pm

Course Expired:

Event FAQs

How Long Is The Course

4-hour online (Zoom) module. Assistance is available for you to use zoom – It is easier than you think!

Download attachments:   Step by Step guide to accessing Zoom.pdf   Zoom guidance document.pdf

What Topics Are Covered

Types of Abuse
Safer Communities and Clubs
What is a Club Welfare Officer and what do they do?
The wider safeguarding environment
Applying procedures
Who Is Eligible

This module is open to all

Zoom Instructions

You will receive an email with a zoom link with guidance and instructions once you have booked and paid for your course.

Total Seats: 8 (0 Left:)
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